
The Tiesenhausen family originates from Tiesenhusen, situated in Northern Germany between Nienburg and Holtorf in the lower Weser region(“Unterweser”). They were knights of the counts Wölpe. The Tiesenhausen first mentioned is Engelbertus de Tysenhusen, who sailed together Albert von Buxhövede to Livland (today Latvia). Buxhövede was not only Engelbertus brother in law but also later became the first bishop of Riga. There, the family soon rose to influence and prosperity, not least through the policy that only allowed the sale of land within the family.
In 1375, the brothers Johann and Bartholomäus v.Tiesenhausen, were given the heritable title “Haus- und Tafelgenossen des Kaisers des Heiligen Römischen Reiches Deutscher Nationen”. In 1654, the General Major Hans Heinrich v. Tiesenhausen was made a Freiherr zu Erlaa.
Berend Heinrich v. Tiesenhausen, Russian Minister and Chairman of the Estonian Knighthood, was made a “Reichsgraf” in 1759. 1854, the Russian Tsar also acknowledged the title Baron.

The Grafen, Freiherrn and Barone Tiesenhausen are today combined in a family association.